Jumat, 24 Juni 2016

Elisabeth Oktofani: (British) they don't want the stream of immigrants?

Lunenburg, NS, Canada

I don't really follow the Brexit issue before. I have a lot of questions in my head including why some of them desperately want to leave EU, what the implication of Brexit, what the British citizen really think about it, what their opinion about the final result of it, etc.

However, I am one of the lucky foreigner for being enlightened by this British family over breakfast in these last few days. I must say that we are living in a weird funny world where you think that there are more educated people these days but there are actually still many narrow minded people out there who might have been staying silence for years or decades.

I would understand those who wanna "protect" their country from the stream of immigrants (not just refugee) are the indigenous people because they tend to lose their job opportunity as the immigrants are willing work harder and paid less; but what about those other immigrants fellow who somehow have been neutralized because they have been living the country longer and they don't want the stream of immigrants? Weren't they once immigrants too?

Some of you might be aware that Immigrant actually makes the best CEO because they are CEO of their life who have been dealing with various procedure to be success in foreign land.
If Brexit can happen, there is also possibility that Trump will be elected too and what next?! What kind of world are we gonna live in. Seems to be scary


Anya Paramitha: Yang memilih Leave cuma sekitar 37 persen, yang abstain ada 28 persen. Blame it on the Golput.

Julie Yang: Utk yg pro Brexit alasannya nasionalisme dan independensi, banyak aturan2 dibuat Oleh parlemen Uni Eropa yg berpusat di Brussel, banyak aturan mulai dari yg penting sampai yg remeh2, bayangin panjang tail dot empeng bayi yg spt diemut2 si Lisa di kartun Bart Simpson's ditentukan Uni Eropa. Kadang merugikan petani spt penentuan harga susu sapi yg tidak menguntungkan peternak

Belum urusan kewajiban ikut menampung pengungsi, meski Inggris agak bwruntung negaranya terpisah dari daratan Eropa, jadi yg ada pengungsi dan imigran gelap tidak bisa seenak jidat masuk Inggris, makanya terjadi krisis pengungsi di Calais yg mau nyebrang, itu juga ada yg nekad nyelundup di truck, meski klu ketahuan yg dihukum malah supir truknya didenda 5rb £.

Tapi Inggris tetap harus nerima pengungsi meski kuota kecil, padahal Inggris punya masalah banyak dgn pengangguran, kemiskinan, integrasi gagal imigran yg sudah dapat WN. Judulnya banyak hal yg bikin Inggris tidak independen.

Yg anti ya yg menganggap kesatuan Lebih penting, juga takut perekonomian terganggu karena hubungan dagang dll dgn Eropa tidak bebas lagi. Sebetulnya klu mau independen dan netral spt Swiss, meski Negara kecil, tapi makmur, independen, juga arogan, tapi Swiss paling nyaman saat ini utk Negara di Eropa.

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